‘THE CONSCIOUS PARENT’ by SHEFALI TSABARY – a strategic guide to Spiritual Parenting.  (3 secret game changers for happy parenting)

‘THE CONSCIOUS PARENT’ by SHEFALI TSABARY – a strategic guide to Spiritual Parenting. (3 secret game changers for happy parenting)

Every page of this insightful journey that Dr. Shefali Tsabary ushers us into, demands deep reflection. Her words are likely to evoke the inevitable guilt pangs especially in those of us nurturing slightly older kids.

It busts the myth of parenting as an entitlement by virtue of biology; a proclamation which emerges from the fallacy of having the child being brought into this world from our blood and sweat alone, whereas the fact, only visible to the minds open to acceptance, remains that the children we claim ours, have emerged only ‘through’ us.
